The structure of international institutions places an inherent emphasis upon neo-colonial practices, and the rigid nature of these systems creates a path dependency that curtails the possibility of decreases in inequality and increases of accessibility within these arenas. It is also worth noting that economic inequalities for the most part have a cyclical relationship with neo- colonial inequalities where some neo-colonial practices promote development in social collectives that largely side and account for such practices, while those that are averse face an ostracisation on the global level thereby receding development rates and deepening inequalities not only within countries but also across borders.
New York,
The United Nations
The General Assembly,
The Security Council with the P5, five permanent members, the US, China, Russia, UK and France convenes here


Our aim is to give an overview of the current gaps in the health sector with regards to female cancer care. Due to the changes in the global healthcare systems, in particular due to the pandemic, there are major delays and flaws in the plan that was made in line with the long term plan that the NHS created in 2019, for example. Similarly, on a much larger level, the plans made by WHO are outdated as the predictions were from the perspective of progression before the pandemic. Therefore, one of the main areas that we look at is the way that COVID-19 has impacted the progression of female cancer care. We look at the different factors that have impacted cancer care overtime and the need of understanding these overlooked areas in more detail to show what a massive impact it is having in general. For example, we have the socio-economic background of the individual, the race or ethnicity of the individual, the gender identity of the individual and age all have an impact in the cancer care provided to individuals.

The aim of this report is to identify the reasons why the British education system continues to be unmeritocratic and to suggest ways of resolving this problem. Meritocracy is the principle that no matter your background, everyone should have an equal chance of succeeding in life. That success is solely based on effort, ability, and hard work. Ultimately, structural forces don’t hold people back. Equality of opportunity has to be the cornerstone of a fair society. We believe that the education system plays a fundamental role in this area. The aim of education is to prepare children for the adult world. With the increasing importance of qualifications, success in life is dependent on success in education. However, as the evidence shows, there are factors in society that prevent some children from achieving, of no fault of their own.

Of children with parents of higher professionals gained 5 or more A*-C GCSEs
Of children with parents of routine workers gained 5 or more A*-C GCSEs


Technological innovation is the force upon which capitalism and the global economy is built. It has allowed humanity to escape the Malthusian Trap and in the last century alone has lifted billions of people out of poverty and unalterably changed the world. Yet from the mid 20th century until now, outstanding innovation has been paired with a historic rise in inequality; through the exploration of three 21st century technologies: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain, AI, and Genome Editing we will explore the question of whether technological innovation necessarily leads to a rise in inequality.

Have the potential to democratise the ownership of stable assets, reduce transaction costs and give free access to the financial system to those around the world

This section takes an in-depth look at the relationship between climate change and inequality - arguably two of the most significant challenges facing the world in the 21st century. Through an examination of the way in which climate change exacerbates economic inequalities within nations, as well as inequality on a global scale, this briefing sheds light on the unequal distribution of the risks and consequences of climate change.
Developing nations and economically disadvantaged groups within nations face a disproportionately high risk of being hit by the adverse consequences of climate change. Lower-income individuals and poorer global economies suffer as a result of the disproportionately high burden of the costs of climate change - costs that have arisen both historically and in the modern day. There are extensive emission inequalities found between nations which has consequences for the nature of the distribution of responsibility for climate change.

Microfinance by definition is the activity of lending small amounts of money to individuals who do not have access to credit through other conventional financial institutions such as banks or fintechs. To start with, capital access is limited due to collateral requirements which can’t be met by people below the poverty line as numerous formal financial institutions find it difficult to serve such risks. However this serves as a mere preface to the problem at hand. This report is therefore divided into two overall sections that address both, the limitations and the successes of microfinance institutions in alleviating inequalities.

This first section of the report is a brief introduction to the topics being discussed in the report in which some evidence will be demonstrated to investigate potential impacts of microfinance. The briefing will explain the main points that later sections will discuss according to the team’s main findings. Each of the subtopics below will contain subtopics with action statements and evidence to support said statements in order to introduce the reader to the initial part of the research conducted.
1. Why do we need Microfinance?
2. How access to credit can prove itself as an aid to helping individuals with low incomes.
3. The use of Microfinance to assist female borrowers
4. Microfinance as a potential help for people inside stateless conditions.
5. Some of the challenges faced by Microfinance Institutions (MFI)
6. Investigating weather or not microlending by itself is enough to alleviate poverty and some
evidence that points to some issues in the industry.

This briefing note will provide details of some of the topics explored that represent some of the difficulties faced by Microfinance Institutions including some of the things that increase their interest rates and some of the dangers that default risks carry. Secondly, we will discuss the main points regarding Microfinance’s limited impact in alleviating poverty.
Theory behind MFIs high interest rates and difficulties in exploiting economies of scale.
1. Case study of the Indian microfinance crisis in 2010.
2. Variables that increase default probability in a case study in Bolivia and Colombia.
3. Some research suggests that microfinance has not been as successful in alleviating poverty
as some people may think

This report will highlight the inequalities that refugees face across the world today. It focuses on three main areas: labour market inequality, health inequality and a lack of legal representation. This briefing section gives an overview of the current situation of refugees across these three main areas, before proceeding to give more detailed insights.
of refugees are hosted in just 5 countries, with Turkey hosting the most (3.7 million) (UNHCR, 2020)


Warwick Think Tank Reports
This year, Warwick Think Tank will be publishing a report every term. The report offers the opportunity to not just challenge an issue on the surface, but to dissect a topic based on a range of differing perspectives. This will be conducted through our five key policy sectors:
Foreign Affairs, Healthcare, Education, Technology, Energy & Environment,
Economy & Finance, Justice & Human Rights
In this way, our report provides a holistic examination of key issues in order to provide critically perceptive policy recommendations, making the voice of Warwick Think Tank unique. The aim of our work is to equip students with the skills necessary to cohesively work together based off of competing standpoints, enabling them to devise policy in a critical yet engaging manner.
Every term, our report will be concluded with a Policy Report Launch Party, where our writers will provide glimpses into their findings, which will ultimately be followed by a reception to celebrate their work!
Our virtual reports can be found below: